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Lemon & Thyme Chicken Thighs

Steps Cook Recipes Lemon & Thyme Chicken Thighs using 8 ingredients and 5 steps

Lemon & Thyme Chicken Thighs - The lemon, Citrus limon, is a species of small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, native to South Asia, primarily North eastern India. Its fruits are round in shape. Lemon (Citrus × limon) is a hybrid of the plant genus Citrus, as well as the common name for the popular edible fruit of this small tree or spreading bush. The lemon plant is characterized by thorny branches and white flowers with purple edges, while the acidic, juicy fruit is oval (egg-shaped). Lemon, small tree or spreading bush of the rue family (Rutaceae) and its edible fruit.

Lemon & Thyme Chicken Thighs

Learn more about lemons in this article.

Lemons are a perfect fruit to keep on hand for salad dressings, seafood recipes, flavoring water, and more.

You can have Lemon & Thyme Chicken Thighs using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients make Lemon & Thyme Chicken Thighs

  1. You need 4 Chicken Thighs (free range; boneless; skin on is best).
  2. Prepare 1 Lemon.
  3. Prepare 1/2 Red Onion.
  4. It's 200 g Green Beans.
  5. Prepare Fresh Thyme.
  6. It's Bacon Lardons.
  7. Prepare Black Pepper.
  8. It's Olive Oil.

Lemon & Thyme Chicken Thighs instructions

  1. Marinate the chicken: mix lemon juice; olive oil; handful of thyme leaves; black pepper..
  2. Fry bacon lardons and diced red onion. Set cooked lardons and onion aside - keep the oil in the pan..
  3. Add chicken thighs to pan; cook until golden. Try and crisp up the skin!.
  4. Once cooked through, set chicken aside. Return lardons and onions to pan; add green beans; stir fry..
  5. Enjoy!.

Lemon & Thyme Chicken Thighs - The lemon tree is one of the most common fruit trees. Both savory and sweet dishes benefit from the tangy, refreshing flavor of lemons. The zest, the juice, and the fruit (sliced or quartered) can all be used. Lemon juice poured over other fruits prevents discoloration of the flesh when exposed to air. Legendary Lemons Botanical name: Citrus limon. As one of the most popular citrus fruits in history, it may come as a surprise that lemons did not arise on their own. In fact, they're the natural hybrid of the citron and the bitter orange. Thank you and good luck