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Jallof rice and pumpkin leaf

How to Cook Recipes Jallof rice and pumpkin leaf using 9 ingredients and 6 steps

Jallof rice and pumpkin leaf - This is why you will always see it in parties. It is quite easy to prepare if you follow the simple steps. How to Cook Nigerian Jollof Rice [Video] The following are other variations of Jollof Rice. Nigerian Jollof Rice is probably the BEST jollof rice recipe in the world: rich and flavorful with a slight smokey taste that gives it its unique name as the Party Jollof Rice. This Party Jollof rice is quite easy to prepare and if you follow the basic recipe and the steps on this page , you can never go wrong.

Jallof rice and pumpkin leaf

PS: Loving me brand new Pedini.

Chicken Jollof Rice African Recipe - Recipes From A Pantry.

You can have Jallof rice and pumpkin leaf using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients make Jallof rice and pumpkin leaf

  1. You need 3 cup rice.
  2. It's 1 bunch pumpkin (sliced).
  3. You need 3 cube Maggi.
  4. Prepare 1/4 cup vegetable oil.
  5. Prepare 1 teaspoon curry.
  6. You need 1 sachet tomatoes paste.
  7. You need 5 fresh pepper (blend).
  8. You need 1 onion bulb(chopped).
  9. You need 1 tablespoon crayfish.

Jallof rice and pumpkin leaf step by step

  1. Get a clean pot add water place on heat then add rice allow to boil for 20min.
  2. Wash and drain rice. Rinse the pot put back on heat then add vegetable oil,onion, tomatoes paste allow to fry for 5min.
  3. Then add pepper and water then curry, crayfish, and the smoked fish..
  4. Add Maggi, salt then add rice and stir..
  5. Cover until the water dries then add pumpkin leaf after 2min.
  6. Turn off heat. food is ready so yummy..

Jallof rice and pumpkin leaf - Remove the bay leafs and Serve jollof rice with your choice of protein. Native Jollof Rice, also known as Iwuk Edesi or Palm Oil rice is a rich Jollof rice style rice dish. It's known as Iwuk Idesi by the Efik people of South eastern Iwuk Edesi can be cooked with or without vegetables. where vegetables are used, Ugu (Pumpkin leaves), Spinach or Basil leaves (Efinrin) are. A guide on how to cook Jollof Rice (Benachin). Gambian variations of fish, beef and chicken. This recipe page indludes ingredients, cooking method and a picture of the dish. Jollof rice is found throughout West Africa and is thought to be the origin of the Cajun dish, jambalaya. Thank you and good luck